Tuesday 5 September 2023

In 6 Steps To A Healthy Acid-Base Balance

Pers is a fine tuned system. Through the interaction of various processes, it ensures that there is a constant, balanced pH value throughout the body.

Here you can find out why it is important that this system is balanced and how you can take simple steps to ensure a healthy acid-base balance.

Why Is An Acid-Base Balance Important For The Body ?

The acid-base balance of our body in a sensitive and highly complex system that is primarily responsible for keeping the pH of the blood constant between 7.35 and 7.45. Even small deviations upwards or downwards can impair important body functions and even damage the organs in the long term. Our body always tries to maintain the balance between acidic and alkaline.

A healthy and vital body can usually do this without help. He can rely on so-called buffer substances with which fluctuations can be balanced out as quickly as possible. If this doesn't work - for whatever reason - the result can be over-acidification (acidosis) or under-acidification alkalosis. This is evident, for example, in tiredness, muscle problems or attacks of dizziness.

Balanced Acid-Base Balance: 6 Tips

If there is a risk that the acid-base balance is out of balance, or if there is already latent hyperacidity or hypoacidity, you can counteract this with, among other things, the right diet.

1. Reduce Acidic Foods 

It's no secret that diet has a major influence on our health. In order to keep the acid-base balance in balance, you have to eat the right foods. However, many of us consume too many acid-producing foods, which can lead to acidification in the body over time.

Anyone who thinks that avoiding acidic foods would be the solution is far from the truth. The taste of a food does not necessarily correspond to how it works in the body. For example, a lemon tastes sour, but it still has an alkaline or base-forming effect in the body. Pretzel pastries, which taste anything but sour, are among the acid-forming foods.

Other acid-forming foods include:

  • Animal products such as meat, sausage, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products
  • Grain products such as bread or pasta
  • Lots of legumes
  • Finished products and refined oils
  • Sugary
  • alcohol

Acid-forming foods should only make up a small part of your diet, around 20-30%. This will prevent your body from quickly becoming acidic.

2. Eat More Alkaline-Forming Foods

Alkaline foods are often neglected in the diet. They are an essential part of a balanced diet and a balanced acid-base balance, as they neutralize the acids in the body. They should make up around 70-80% of each meal.

Alkaline foods include:

  • fruit and vegetables
  • Mushrooms
  • nuts
  • Cold Pressed Oils
  • bitter chocolate

3. Drink Enough 

So that the kidneys work well and your body does not become dehydrated, you should drink enough - at least two liters per day, preferably more. Water and unsweetened herbal teas are particularly recommended here. Mild fruit juices and coffee are also alkaline-forming, as is red wine. An optimal pH value of the drinks is important here: not too acidic and not too basic.

Black tea, carbonated and sweetened drinks and alcohol should be avoided.

4. Exercise Regularly

All of the body's metabolic processes run faster and more efficiently when the body is really in shape. Since metabolism largely determines the ratio of acids and bases in the body, it is important that you get enough exercise. However, it does not always have to be an hour-long workout. A brisk walk or a sporty bike ride are also a good start.

The only important thing is that you sweat at least a little. Then via the production of sweat, the body can easily get rid of excess acid. Is sweaty sport too strenuous for you? A visit to the sauna also makes you sweat to flush acids out of the body.

5. Avoid Stress

In stressful situations, the body produces more of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. These substances slow down the metabolism, limit the performance of the intestines, kidneys and liver and even make breathing worse.

However, breathing is particularly important for a balanced acid-base balance, because exhaling can release excess acids. Conscious breathing helps in two ways: it counteracts hyperacidity and lowers the stress level.

6. Base Treatment For Deacidification

If you want to help your body regain a balanced acid-base ratio in a short time, an alkaline treatment is a good option. This cure usually consists of alkaline herbal teas, an alkaline diet and alkaline baths. Together, these should flush the excess acidity out of your body and build up healthy vital substances.Make sure, however, that you neither start nor end such a cure abruptly. Give your body time to slowly get used to the new diet.

Conclusion: Effectively Balance Acids And Bases

You should always pay attention to your body's acid-base balance, because acidification not only causes unpleasant symptoms, but also slows down various body processes.

Therefore, make sure that you eat more alkaline-forming foods, get enough exercise and avoid stress. In this way you balance the ratio of acids and bases and can go through life full of vitality.

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