Sunday 16 July 2023

Soul Food - Eat Right, Think Right, Feel Right

For Claudia Holl, soul food means eating holistically for your own good, i.e. providing yourself with nourishing food, but also nourishing thoughts, nourishing feelings, a nourishing environment and beneficial exercise.

Everything influences each other! Because, as the wise old saying goes, “You are what you eat!”

Thursday 13 July 2023

Living Sugar-Free: This Is How You Get Started

Sugar is ubiquitous in today's diet. From sweet treats to hidden sugars in processed foods, sugar consumption is often higher than we realize.

However, too much sugar can have serious effects on our health. If you've decided to cut down on sugar and aim for a sugar-free diet, then this guide is for you.

Here's how to get started, discover alternative sweeteners, and enjoy the benefits of a sugar-free diet.

Chia Seeds: What's The Deal With This Superfood?

Suddenly they were everywhere: chia seeds. The small, round grains attract a lot of attention as a superfood . But basically this is not a w...