Tuesday, 31 January 2023

The Avocado Seed And It’s retired Benefits


Persea americana, generally known as avocado, avocado( Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Uruguay) or avocado tree, is an arboreal species of the rubric Persea belonging to the Lauraceae family, whose fruit, the avocado or avocado, is an comestible berry. 

 It's a species native to Mesoamerica, specifically from the high corridor of central and eastern Mexico and Guatemala, and South America, specifically Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. The oldest substantiation of its use was set up in Coaxcatlán  ( Mexico) and dates back about,000 times. The fruit ofP. americana has been used substantially for food. 

Monday, 30 January 2023

Keep Your Healthy Resolutions With The 'Slowest Diet In The World'

Were you going to eat healthier in 2023, but has the first pack of fries already passed? 

And were you planning not to cook today, but to quickly drop by the kebab shop? Do not panic! No Fairytales helps you out. With the Slowest Diet in the World you will manage to eat healthier this year.

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Eight Tips Of Eating Healthy At The Festivals !

Summer also means that a new festival season has started. After the more subdued versions of recent years, you may have some damage to make up for.

But how do you combine your healthy habits with the unhealthy festival life? 

Tuesday, 3 January 2023

You Should Absolutely Not Eat This Before Going To Sleep

Many factors influence the quality of your sleep. What you eat before bed can often have a significant impact on how quickly you fall asleep and how well you sleep through the night. However, by paying attention to what kind of foods you eat in the evening, you can easily prevent this problem. You can read here what you should and shouldn't eat.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

More Dairy Reduces Falls And Fractures In The Elderly


About nineteen percent of women and three percent of men over the age of 85 suffer from osteoporosis. What is that right then? And how can dairy help to limit it?

Osteoporosis is a condition in which your bone mass and bone quality are greatly reduced. This increases the risk of falling, which can lead to bone fractures.

The Health Benefits Of Drinking Pure Water

Water is the solution of life, an essential element that sustains all living organisms. Drinking     pure water is not only refreshing but ...