Tuesday, 3 January 2023

You Should Absolutely Not Eat This Before Going To Sleep

Many factors influence the quality of your sleep. What you eat before bed can often have a significant impact on how quickly you fall asleep and how well you sleep through the night. However, by paying attention to what kind of foods you eat in the evening, you can easily prevent this problem. You can read here what you should and shouldn't eat.


Although fruit is of course very healthy and it is important to eat enough fruit, it is not recommended to do this right before going to sleep. Some fruits contain a very high sugar content. This causes a significant increase in your insulin, making you more alert and active. It goes without saying that you will therefore fall asleep less easily.

Eating cherries before bed is allowed again. These contain melatonin, which is a substance that promotes sleep. Now you may wonder if this also works in combination with the fruit sugars that cherries also contain. However, a 2010 study found that people who ate cherries before bed did indeed sleep better in many cases. Apparently the melatonin outweighs the grape sugar.

Bananas contain the substances magnesium and potassium. These help the muscles to become nice and flexible, so that they can relax better at night. Bananas, like cherries, also contain melatonin.


For many, it can sometimes be tempting to end the day with a nice piece of well-deserved chocolate. According to experts, this is not a good idea. Chocolate contains Tyramine. This is an amino acid that has a very stimulating effect on brain activity.

Greasy food

Another discouragement are greasy foods such as fries, hamburgers, meatballs, croquettes and the like. Food that is high in fat must be broken down by your body. All kinds of acids must be produced during this process of breaking down. A second factor is the fact that the opening between the stomach and the esophagus is less well closed. And with these two ingredients - acids and an open passage between the stomach and esophagus - you have the recipe for heartburn.

 In addition, consuming fatty foods is generally unhealthy. Especially just before going to sleep, this will in many cases lead to you gaining weight. If you do suffer from a strong appetite, it is a better idea to go for a hand of nuts. These are a lot more nutritious and have no adverse effect on your sleep, while they are filling.


Probably another big setback: Ice cream right before bed is a bad idea. Ice cream contains a lot of sugar, which stimulates your alertness and activity. Instead of ice cream, try some oats. It might not be as sweet, but it might as well be tasty and filling. In addition, the melatoline in oats will ensure a peaceful night's sleep.

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