Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Bitter Makes You Fitter! – Why Bitter substances should not be missing from the menu

Bitter substances - for many people that doesn't sound very appetizing at first, because this flavor is not necessarily the most popular. And nature intended it that way, because a bitter taste is often a sign of inedibility.

But not always. On the contrary, when consumed in moderation, bitter substances can be very healthy and also a valuable aid when losing weight.

What Can Bitter Substances Do?

Receptors that interact with bitter substances are found almost everywhere in the body. The effects that bitter substances can develop are correspondingly diverse. Basically, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and can also stimulate the immune system. In diseases of the bronchi, such as asthma, bitter substances are even used successfully for inhalation.

Digestion in particular benefits from bitter substances. They stimulate the flow of saliva and the production of digestive juices. The intestinal activity is promoted and excess acids are bound. This also makes bitter substances a real insider tip after a sumptuous meal. They are much healthier and more effective than the famous after-meal schnapps.

Last but not least, bitter substances are also used as an aid in the fight against weight problems. They stimulate the fat metabolism, regulate the feeling of satiety and can prevent cravings – especially for sweets. Researchers assume that this effect can be attributed to the body's warning of what is supposedly inedible.

What If I Don't Like Bitter ?

There are many foods that contain bitter substances. The selection is therefore relatively large and not all of them really have an intensely bitter taste. However, the sense of taste is very individual. And some people are sensitive to even a little bitterness. This is often a matter of getting used to, and if you want, you can slowly increase the bitterness in your diet.

However, there are also dietary supplements to specifically increase the intake of bitter substances. The combination with other valuable substances can also be useful. Bitter substances in the form of vitamin C capsules, for example, provide an extra boost for the immune system

What If I Don't Like Bitter ?

There are many foods that contain bitter substances. The selection is therefore relatively large and not all of them really have an intensely bitter taste. However, the sense of taste is very individual. And some people are sensitive to even a little bitterness. This is often a matter of getting used to, and if you want, you can slowly increase the bitterness in your diet. However, there are also dietary supplements to specifically increase the intake of bitter substances. The combination with other valuable substances can also be useful.Bitter substances in the form of vitamin C capsules, for example, provide an extra boost for the immune system. 

How Can The Menu Be Enriched With Bitter Substances?

 It is not that difficult to integrate bitter foods into the diet. Bitter substances can be found in many vegetables, some types of fruit and almost all herbs. When it comes to fruit, it is primarily grapefruit, kumquat and pomelo that can provide a particularly large amount of bitter substances. Most cabbages, eggplant, fennel, and bitter salads like arugula are also good suppliers.

To soften the bitterness, they can be combined with other varieties, for example in a mixed salad. Olive oil also provides bitter substances and is at the same time a tasty ingredient for many dishes. Herbs can be incorporated into the diet both as spices and in the form of tea. Many of them, such as lovage, rosemary, basil or chamomile, do not even taste very bitter. Those who like it more intense can try wild herbs such as dandelion, yarrow or wormwood. 

With vegetables and fruit, it is unfortunately the case today that the bitter properties of many varieties have been bred out to a large extent for conventional cultivation in order to adapt them to the taste of the masses. It may therefore make more sense to use old varieties. By the way: If cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin or melon taste bitter, caution is advised. These may be curcurbitacins, which are actually incompatible and can cause gastrointestinal problems.

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